
Sardinia Radio Telescope: the new italian project


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This contribution gives a description of the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT), a new general purpose, fully steerable antenna proposed by the Institute of Radio Astronomy (IRA) of the National Institute for Astrophysics. The radio telescope is under construction near Cagliari (Sardinia) and it will join the two existing antennas of Medicina (Bologna) and Noto (Siracusa) both operated by the IRA. With its large antenna size (64m diameter) and its active surface, SRT, capable of operations up to ~100GHz, will contribute significantly to VLBI networks and will represent a powerful single-dish radio telescope for many science fields. The radio telescope has a Gregorian optical configuration with a supplementary beam-waveguide (BWG), which provides additional focal points. The Gregorian surfaces are shaped to minimize the spill-over and the standing wave between secondary mirror and feed. After the start of the contract for the radio telescope structural and mechanical fabrication in 2003, in the present year the foundation construction will be completed. The schedule foresees the radio telescope inauguration in late 2006.
机译:此文稿描述了撒丁岛射电望远镜(SRT),这是美国国家天体物理研究所的射电天文研究所(IRA)提出的一种新型通用,完全可控天线。该射电望远镜正在卡利亚里(撒丁岛)附近建造,它将与IRA操作的Medicina(博洛尼亚)和Noto(Siracusa)的两个现有天线连接。 SRT具有较大的天线尺寸(直径64m)和有效表面,能够在〜100GHz的频率下运行,将极大地促进VLBI网络的发展,并代表许多科学领域的强大单碟射电望远镜。射电望远镜具有Gregorian光学配置,带有补充的光束波导(BWG),可提供更多的焦点。格里高利表面的形状使副镜和进料之间的溢出和驻波最小化。自2003年开始签订射电望远镜的结构和机械制造合同后,今年基础工作将完成。日程安排预计射电望远镜将于2006年底启用。



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