
Spatial augmented reality on industrial CNC-machines


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In this work we present how Augmented Reality (AR) can be used to create an intimate integration of process data with the workspace of an industrial CNC (computer numerical control) machine. AR allows us to combine interactive computer graphics with real objects in a physical environment - in this case, the workspace of an industrial lathe. ASTOR is an autostereoscopic optical see-through spatial AR system, which provides real-time 3D visual feedback without the need for user-worn equipment, such as head-mounted displays or sensors for tracking. The use of a transparent holographic optical element, overlaid onto the safety glass, allows the system to simultaneously provide bright imagery and clear visibility of the tool and workpiece. The system makes it possible to enhance visibility of occluded tools as well as to visualize real-time data from the process in the 3D space. The graphics are geometrically registered with the workspace and provide an intuitive representation of the process, amplifying the user's understanding and simplifying machine operation.
机译:在这项工作中,我们介绍如何使用增强现实(AR)来创建过程数据与工业CNC(计算机数控)机器的工作空间的紧密集成。 AR使我们能够将交互式计算机图形与物理环境中的真实对象(在本例中为工业车床的工作空间)结合起来。 ASTOR是一种自动立体光学透视空间AR系统,可提供实时3D视觉反馈,而无需用户佩戴的设备(例如头戴式显示器或用于跟踪的传感器)。使用覆盖在安全玻璃上的透明全息光学元件,可以使系统同时提供明亮的图像以及工具和工件的清晰可见性。该系统可以增强被遮挡工具的可见性,并在3D空间中可视化来自过程的实时数据。图形在工作空间中几何对齐,并提供过程的直观表示,从而扩大了用户的理解并简化了机器操作。



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