首页> 外文会议>Conference on Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation V, Jul 9-10, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA >Exploring the Pareto Frontier using Multi-Sexual Evolutionary Algorithms: an Application to a Flexible Manufacturing Problem

Exploring the Pareto Frontier using Multi-Sexual Evolutionary Algorithms: an Application to a Flexible Manufacturing Problem


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In multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems we need to optimize or at least satisfy many possibly conflicting objectives. For instance, in manufacturing planning we might want to minimize the cost and production time while maximizing the product's quality. We propose the use of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to solve these problems. EAs are computer programs that generate solutions by simulating a Darwinian evolution. Solutions are represented as individuals in a population and are assigned scores according to a fitness function that determines their relative quality. Strong solutions are selected for reproduction, and pass their genetic material to the next generation. Weak solutions are removed from the population. The fitness function evaluates each solution and returns a related score. In MOO problems, this fitness function is vector-valued, i.e. it returns a value for each objective. Therefore, instead of a global optimum, we try to find the Pareto-optimal or non-dominated frontier. We use multi-sexual EAs with as many genders as optimization criteria. We have created new crossover and gender assignment functions, and experimented with various parameters to determine the best setting (yielding the highest number of non-dominated solutions.) These experiments are conducted using a variety of fitness functions, and the algorithms are later evaluated on a flexible manufacturing problem with total cost and time minimization objectives.
机译:在多目标优化(MOO)问题中,我们需要优化或至少满足许多可能相互矛盾的目标。例如,在制造计划中,我们可能希望最小化成本和生产时间,同时最大化产品的质量。我们建议使用进化算法(EA)解决这些问题。 EA是通过模拟达尔文进化来生成解决方案的计算机程序。将解决方案表示为总体中的个体,并根据确定其相对质量的适应度函数为其分配分数。选择了强大的解决方案进行繁殖,并将其遗传物质传递给下一代。弱的解决方案从人口中删除。适应度函数评估每个解决方案并返回相关分数。在MOO问题中,此适应度函数是矢量值的,即,它为每个目标返回一个值。因此,我们试图找到帕累托最优或非支配性边界,而不是全局最优。我们使用具有与优化标准一样多的性别的多性别EA。我们创建了新的交叉和性别分配函数,并尝试了各种参数来确定最佳设置(产生了最多数量的非支配解。)这些实验是使用各种适应度函数进行的,后来对算法进行了评估具有总成本和时间最小化目标的灵活制造问题。



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