
The Great Importance of Cross-Document Relationships for Multi-document Summarization


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Graph-based methods have been developed for multi-document summarization in recent years and they make use of the relationships between sentences in a graph-based ranking algorithm to extract salient sentences. This paper proposes to differentiate the cross-document relationships and the within-document relationships between sentences for multi-document summarization. The two kinds of relationships between sentences are deemed to have unequal contributions in the graph-based ranking algorithm. We apply the graph-based ranking algorithm based on each kind of sentence relationships and explore their relative importance for multi-document summarization. Experimental results on DUC 2002 and DUC 2004 data demonstrate the great importance of the cross-document relationships between sentences for multi-document summarization. Even the system based only on the cross-document relation-ships can perform better than or at least as well as the systems based on both kinds of relationships between sentences.
机译:近年来,已经开发了基于图的方法用于多文档摘要,并且它们利用基于图的排名算法中句子之间的关系来提取突出的句子。本文提议区分句子之间的跨文档关系和文档内关系,以进行多文档摘要。在基于图的排名算法中,句子之间的两种关系被认为具有不平等的贡献。我们基于每种句子关系应用基于图的排名算法,并探讨它们在多文档摘要中的相对重要性。在DUC 2002和DUC 2004数据上的实验结果表明,句子之间的跨文档关系对于多文档摘要非常重要。甚至仅基于跨文档关系的系统也可以比基于句子之间的两种关系的系统更好或至少更好。



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