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Using only cross-document relationships for both generic and topic-focused multi-document summarizations


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In recent years graph-ranking based algorithms have been proposed for single document summarization and generic multi-document summarization. The algorithms make use of the "votings" or "recommendations" between sentences to evaluate the importance of the sentences in the documents. This study aims to differentiate the cross-document and within-document relationships between sentences for generic multi-document summarization and adapt the graph-ranking based algorithm for topic-focused summarization. The contributions of this study are two-fold: (1) For generic multi-document summarization, we apply the graph-based ranking algorithm based on each kind of sentence relationship and explore their relative importance for summarization performance. (2) For topic-focused multi-document summarization, we propose to integrate the relevance of the sentences to the specified topic into the graph-ranking based method. Each individual kind of sentence relationship is also differentiated and investigated in the algorithm. Experimental results on DUC 2002-DUC 2005 data demonstrate the great importance of the cross-document relationships between sentences for both generic and topic-focused multi-document summarizations. Even the approach based only on the cross-document relationships can perform better than or at least as well as the approaches based on both kinds of relationships between sentences.
机译:近年来,已经提出了基于图排序的算法用于单文档摘要和通用多文档摘要。该算法利用句子之间的“投票”或“推荐”来评估句子在文档中的重要性。这项研究旨在区分句子之间的跨文档和文档内关系,以进行通用的多文档摘要,并使基于图排名的算法适用于主题集中的摘要。这项研究有两个方面的贡献:(1)对于通用的多文档摘要,我们基于每种句子关系应用基于图的排名算法,并探讨它们对于摘要性能的相对重要性。 (2)对于针对主题的多文档摘要,我们建议将句子与指定主题的相关性整合到基于图排名的方法中。每种单独的句子关系也都在算法中进行区分和研究。在DUC 2002-DUC 2005数据上的实验结果表明,句子之间的跨文档关系对于通用和针对主题的多文档摘要都非常重要。即使仅基于跨文档关系的方法也可以比基于句子之间的两种关系的方法更好或至少更好。



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