
Processing of the NKG 2003 GPS Campaign

机译:NKG 2003 GPS运动的处理

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The NKG 2003 GPS campaign was carried out from September 28th to October 4th, 2003 as a co-operation between members of NKG and the Baltic Countries. The aim of the campaign is, according to resolution No 3 of the 14th General Meeting of NKG, "he development of a unified ETRS89 reference frame on the cm level for the Nordic area and of formulas for transformation from such a reference frame to the national realizations of ETRS89, as well as the transformation from ITRF to the unified ETRS89 reference frame." It was concluded that it would be a good idea to process the GPS campaign using all the different software packages available within the working group. The campaign was processed by four analysis centres, using three different softwares: 1.NMA, Torbjφrn N0rbech, GIPSY/OASIS II 2.OSO, Martin Lidberg, GAMIT/GLOBK 3.LMV, Lotti Jivall, Bernese version 5.0 4.KMS, Mette Weber /Henrik R0nnest, Bernese version 4.2 This paper presents the four individual solutions and the comparison and combination of them. Problems in the data analysis and differences between the solutions are discussed. Final coordinates in ITRF2000 epoch 2003.75 from the campaign are included.
机译:NKG 2003和GPS的运动是NKG成员与波罗的海国家之间的合作,于2003年9月28日至10月4日进行。这项运动的目的是,根据NKG第14届大会第3号决议,“为北欧地区的厘米级开发统一的ETRS89参考系,以及从这种参考系向国家转换的公式ETRS89的实现,以及从ITRF到统一ETRS89参考框架的转换。”结论是,使用工作组中所有可用的软件包来处理GPS运动是一个好主意。该活动由四个分析中心使用三种不同的软件处理:1.NMA,Torbjrn N0rbech,GIPSY / OASIS II 2.OSO,Martin Lidberg,GAMIT / GLOBK 3.LMV,Lotti Jivall,Bernese版本5.0 4.KMS,Mette Weber / Henrik R0nnest,Bernese版本4.2本文介绍了四个单独的解决方案以及它们的比较和组合。讨论了数据分析中存在的问题以及解决方案之间的差异。包括该活动在ITRF2000时代2003.75中的最终坐标。



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