
Digital images for 'eternity': color microfilm as archival medium


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In the archiving and museum communities, the long-term preservation of artworks has traditionally been guaranteed by making duplicates of the original. For photographic reproductions, digital imaging devices have now become standard, providing better quality control and lower costs than film photography. However, due to the very short life cycle of digital data, losses are unavoidable without repetitive data migrations to new file formats and storage media. We present a solution for the long-term archiving of digital images on color microfilm (Ilfochrome~R Micrographic). This extremely stable and high-resolution medium, combined with the use of a novel laser film recorder is particularly well suited for this task. Due to intrinsic limitations of the film, colorimetric reproductions of the originals are not always achievable. The microfilm must be first considered as an information carrier and not primarily as an imaging medium. Color transformations taking into account the film characteristics and possible degradations of the medium due to aging are investigated. An approach making use of readily available color management tools is presented which assures the recovery of the original colors after re-digitization. An extension of this project considering the direct recording of digital information as color bit-code on the film is also introduced.
机译:在档案馆和博物馆界,传统上通过复制原件来保证艺术品的长期保存。对于照相复制,数字成像设备现已成为标准配置,与胶片摄影相比,提供了更好的质量控制和更低的成本。但是,由于数字数据的生命周期非常短,如果不将数据重复迁移到新的文件格式和存储介质,不可避免的会造成损失。我们提出了一种在彩色微缩胶片(Ilfochrome〜R Micrographic)上长期存档数字图像的解决方案。这种极其稳定和高分辨率的介质,与新型激光胶片记录仪的结合使用,特别适合此任务。由于胶片的固有局限性,无法始终实现原件的比色复制。缩微胶卷首先必须被视为信息载体,而不是首先被视为成像介质。研究了考虑到薄膜特性和介质由于老化而可能降解的颜色变化。提出了一种利用易于使用的颜色管理工具的方法,该方法可确保在重新数字化后恢复原始颜色。还介绍了该项目的扩展,其中考虑了将数字信息直接记录为胶片上的彩色位代码。



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