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Business Aviation Update and Outlook: Is This as Good as it Gets?




1. A couple of years of modest delivery increases as several new models ramp up 2. An economic downturn is predicted beginning in the 2020/2021 time frame a. Business jet sales will decrease commensurately b. Due to a lag effect, deliveries won't slow down until 2022 3. Concern of lack of a safety net during this downturn a. No particularly healthy worldwide regions to take up the slack if US falters ⅰ. In 2009, growing emerging markets helped cushion the blow to some extent ⅱ. Could conceivably send deliveries below previous 2016 trough of 667 units b. Fortunately, depth of next downturn is not anticipated to be as severe as last one.
机译:1.随着数款新车型的陆续交付,交付量适中地增加了几年。2.预计从2020/2021年的时间框架内开始出现经济下滑。公务机销售将相应下降b。由于滞后效应,交货期要到2022年才会减慢。3.在此低迷时期缺乏安全网的担忧。如果美国步履蹒跚,世界范围内没有特别健康的地区可以采取行动。 2009年,新兴市场的增长在一定程度上缓解了这一打击。可以想象的是,交货量可能低于2016年之前的667单位的最低水平b。幸运的是,下一次衰退的深度预计不会像上一次那样严重。



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