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Dehumidification Breathes New Life into Suspension Cables on The Delaware Memorial Bridges


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The Delaware Memorial Bridge comprises of two parallel suspension bridges thatspan the Delaware River between Delaware and New Jersey. The bridges are owned andoperated by The Delaware River & Bay Authority.Following an internal inspection of main cables in 2012, the Authority decided to installdehumidification systems on the cables of both bridges to address the corrosion occurring inthe high-strength steel cable wires. This was a significant resolution by The Authority as therewere no other suspension bridges in the United States where this technique of cablepreservation had been installed and operational at the time.The project is significant because it has advanced the industry’s knowledge of designing andconstructing cable dehumidification projects, which are a complex blend of structural,mechanical, electrical and control systems engineering.Cable dehumidification involves the injection of dry air into the cable body to remove water,moisture and to sustain relative humidity levels below a critical threshold where corrosionpractically ceases. To date, only two bridges in the US have had cable dehumidificationinstalled; however dehumidification projects on approximately six other bridges are currentlyin varying stages of development.This project, which started in early 2016, is anticipated to reach substantial completionapproximately three months ahead of schedule. This paper will present the project workincluding best practices to guide bridge owners who are considering the installation of cabledehumidification systems.
机译:特拉华纪念桥由两条平行的悬索桥组成,横跨在特拉华州和新泽西州之间的特拉华河。桥梁由特拉华河湾管理局拥有和运营。\ r \ n在2012年对主要电缆进行内部检查之后,管理局决定在两座桥梁的电缆上安装除湿系统以应对腐蚀。发生在高强度钢丝电缆中。这是管理局的一项重大决议,因为当时美国没有其他悬索桥已经安装并可以使用这种电缆保护技术。\ r \ n该项目意义重大,因为它具有先进的电缆除湿项目的设计和施工知识,是结构,机械,电气和控制系统工程的复杂结合。\ r \ n电缆除湿涉及将干燥的空气注入电缆主体中,从而除去水分,保持相对湿度低于临界阈值,在该阈值下腐蚀实际上会停止。迄今为止,在美国只有两座桥安装了电缆除湿设备。但是,大约其他六个桥梁上的除湿项目目前处于不同的开发阶段。\ r \ n该项目于2016年初开始,预计将比计划提前约三个月完成。本文将介绍项目工作,包括最佳实践,以指导正在考虑安装电缆除湿系统的桥梁所有者。



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