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Electric vehicles as motivators for smart grids




Electric vehicles may be an alternative to the use of petroleum, by allowing to reduce the pollution problems and mitigate the safety questions involved on extraction, importation and combustion of fossil fuels. Thus, the inclusion of this vehicles as one of the decisive factors on planning distribution systems represents a big opportunity for developing new technologies and systems. Moved by challenges, the concept of Smart Grids was created to define the evolution of traditional electrical networks, combining the infrastructure of electrical energy with moderns installations of distributed computation, communications networks and new paradigms of generation and energy consumption. In this context, the present work provides an evolution analysis of technologies for electric vehicles promoting the smart grids, mapping the disponible mechanical configurations, technological rotes in course and the behavior of recent market for electrical vehicles. Through the outline traced at work, it is considered that electrical vehicles incorporates a range of technologies that are substantially different in relation to conventional vehicles and networks, since energetic input until more sophisticated elements. Ultimately, is possible to affirm that Brazil still lacks a public policy to the progress of this sector ant that this area is configured as a possible front of research and innovation of high impact for society.



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