首页> 外文会议>Biologically-Inspired Collaborative Computing >A Model of Self-Organizing Collaboration

A Model of Self-Organizing Collaboration


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Collaboration joins together persons (active objects) in some activity. The paper concentrates on the activity, since it is the collaboration basis. The basic theory used in computer science for activity analysis is the activity theory that considers activity as a substantial part of the human interaction with the objective reality (environment). In conformance with this theory, the action presents activity substance and operation - activity (action) realization. It is analyzed cooperation as collaboration realized in operation context. The activity theory considers a kind of activity that does not reveal it as an independent, autonomous thing (self-organizing activity). This paper indicates the main characteristics of self-organizing activity that are basis for content-, context-independent modeling of autonomous activity. The presented model uses formal constructions of the mathematical logic as autonomous frameworks. The self-organizing activity is foundation for modeling of self-organizing collaboration that results in a model describing a collaborative self-organizing system. The latter is framework for a real process and bases on a group of active objects associated by a shared need.



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