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Plagiarism-Free Inquiry Project-Based Learning with UPCC Pedagogy


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(U)nderstanding plagiarism, learning about (P)araphrasing and related skills, generating proper (C)itations with an online citation tool and doing originality (C)heck with an online tool (UPCC) is a pedagogy developed by Chu and his colleagues (2014, 2015) to help students avoid plagiarism. The UPCC pedagogy incorporates teaching the ethical use of information, an important facet of information literacy, into inquiry project-based learning (PjBL), a pedagogical approach that demands students to demonstrate high order information literacy. This study, adopting a mixed-methods design, evaluates the effectiveness of UPCC by comparing the plagiarism behavior of two cohorts of junior secondary students in their PjBL projects with and without the implementation of the pedagogy. In addition, upon the completion of their projects, the 2015 cohort completed a survey that evaluates their knowledge of plagiarism, and assesses the extent to which they endorse the helpfulness of the UPCC in domains including instructional support; understanding plagiarism; paraphrasing, synthesizing and summarizing; generating appropriate citations; and originality self-check. Students and teachers also participated in focus group interviews to further elaborate on their perceptions on the UPCC pedagogy. A trend in reduced plagiarism behavior was observed after the implementation of UPCC, and students expressed a generally positive perception on UPCC as an effective anti-plagiarism pedagogy. Quantitative and qualitative data showed that students who had better knowledge of plagiarism held a significantly more positive perception on the effectiveness of UPCC than those who showed poorer understanding of plagiarism. This may indicate that further refinement of UPCC is needed to cater for learner diversity and enhance students’ motivation.
机译:(U)窃,学习(P)改写及相关技能,使用在线引文工具生成适当的(C)引文并使用在线工具(UPCC)进行创意(C)heck是Chu和他的同事们开发的教学法(2014,2015)帮助学生避免窃。 UPCC的教学法将对信息的道德使用(信息素养的一个重要方面)的教学纳入了基于探究项目的学习(PjBL),这是一种要求学生表现出高水平的信息素养的教学方法。这项研究采用混合方法设计,通过比较两个初中学生在进行和未实施教学法的情况下在其PjBL项目中的the窃行为,评估了UPCC的有效性。此外,在完成项目后,2015年研究人员完成了一项调查,以评估他们的窃知识,并评估他们在多大程度上认可UPCC在包括教学支持等领域的帮助;了解窃;释义,综合和总结;产生适当的引用;和独创性的自我检查。学生和教师还参加了焦点小组访谈,以进一步阐述他们对UPCC教学法的看法。实施UPCC后,窃行为有所减少,并且学生对UPCC作为一种有效的抗pla窃教学法普遍表示乐观。定量和定性的数据表明,对窃知识了解程度较高的学生比对CC窃知识了解程度较差的学生对UPCC的效果有更积极的认识。这可能表明需要进一步完善UPCC,以适应学习者的多样性并增强学生的动力。



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