
New Interpolative Reasoning in Sparse Fuzzy Rule Base


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Fuzzy reasoning is a very important part in intelligent system, when rule base is sparse and the observation is in the "gap" between two neighboring antecedents of rules, we cannot get any reasoning consequence by traditional CRI method. Fuzzy reasoning is essentially an interpolator. Koczy and Hirota proposed a linear interpolative reasoning method called KH linear interpolative reasoning method. But it is also difficult to preserve convexity and normality by using KH linear interpolative reasoning method. Based on the analysis of KH linear interpolative reasoning method, in order to get better reasoning consequence under the condition of sparse rules, we propose a new linear interpolative reasoning method that can preserve the convexity and normality of the reasoning consequence better. It devotes a useful tool for fuzzy reasoning in intelligent systems.
机译:模糊推理在智能系统中是非常重要的部分,当规则库稀疏并且观察在规则的两个相邻先例之间的“间隙”中时,传统的CRI方法无法获得任何推理结果。模糊推理本质上是一个插值器。 Koczy和Hirota提出了一种线性内插推理方法,称为KH线性内插推理方法。但是使用KH线性插值推理方法也很难保持凸性和正态性。在对KH线性插值推理方法进行分析的基础上,为了在稀疏规则的情况下获得更好的推理结果,提出了一种新的线性插值推理方法,可以更好地保留推理结果的凸性和正态性。它为智能系统中的模糊推理提供了一个有用的工具。



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