首页> 外文会议>Applications of Ultrashort-Pulse Lasers in Medicine and Biology >Laser spot size as a function of tissue depth and laser wavelength in human sclera

Laser spot size as a function of tissue depth and laser wavelength in human sclera


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Abstract: We determined the wavelength dependence of the minimum spot size of a laser beam focused through human sclera to evaluate the potential for transcleral glaucoma surgical techniques using ultrashort-pulsed lasers. The spectrum of the forward scattered light was measured by collimating the incident and transmitted beam in a spectrophotometer. This spectrum shows that sclera is highly scattering until 1100 nm, after which, the transmission spectrum is similar to water. To measure the minimal spot size, a laser beam was focused on the back surface of sclera of differing thickness. The minimum spot at 800 nm, 1060 nm, 1301 nm, and 1557 nm was imaged. At 800 nm, the spot size was invariant upon focal lens position, being a thousand fold larger than the incident beam spot size. As the wavelength increased, the area of the spot decreased, so that at 1557 nm, the minimal spot size was on the order of the incident beam spot size.!16
机译:摘要:我们确定了通过人巩膜聚焦的激光束的最小光斑尺寸的波长依赖性,以评估使用超短脉冲激光进行的巩膜性青光眼手术技术的潜力。通过在分光光度计中准直入射光束和透射光束来测量前向散射光的光谱。该光谱表明巩膜高度散射直至1100 nm,之后透射光谱类似于水。为了测量最小的光斑尺寸,将激光束聚焦在厚度不同的巩膜背面上。成像了800 nm,1060 nm,1301 nm和1557 nm的最小光斑。在800 nm处,光斑尺寸随聚焦透镜位置而变化,比入射光束光斑尺寸大一千倍。随着波长的增加,光斑面积减小,因此在1557 nm处,最小光斑尺寸约为入射光束光斑尺寸!16



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