
How Languages Can Save Distributed Computing




Current networked computing platforms make available to users an immense and growing amount of computing power and storage. This should be an exciting time for computing, and it is. To users, it might seem an infinitely powerful Internet Computer exists with a manifestation on each of their several computing devices. However, distributed applications are still relatively primitive and unreliable; they are too centralized on clusters provisioned by individual organizations; users find it hard to share code or even data without opening themselves up to attacks. The grit in the gears of progress is the difficulty of building applications for the Internet Computer. Our programming models are simply too difficult and low-level for programmers to use effectively. We need higher-level programming models and programming languages that get us closer to programming the Internet Computer directly.
机译:当前的联网计算平台为用户提供了大量且不断增长的计算能力和存储。这对计算来说应该是一个令人兴奋的时刻。对于用户来说,似乎存在着无限强大的Internet计算机,并且在其多个计算设备中的每一个上都有体现。但是,分布式应用程序仍然相对原始且不可靠。它们过于集中在单个组织提供的集群上;用户发现很难在不遭受攻击的情况下共享代码甚至数据。前进的动力是构建Internet计算机应用程序的困难。对于程序员来说,我们的编程模型实在太难了而且太底层了,无法有效使用。我们需要高级编程模型和编程语言,以使我们更接近直接对Internet Computer进行编程。



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