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Liquefaction Impacts on Lifeline Systems: Christchurch, New Zealand, Examples


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Seismic-induced liquefaction is complicated and involves many aspects within the process, including shaking-induced volumetric strains, increased pore water pressure, ground water migration, reduced effective soil strength, water, and soil ejection potentially resulting in significant vertical and horizontal ground deformations. All these effects can impact lifeline infrastructure systems. Lifeline systems include water, wastewater, storm water, electric power, communications, transportation, solid waste management, gas, and liquid fuel systems. Increasing the complications, there are many cases where multiple liquefaction-related mechanisms impact the same lifeline components. This paper diagrams the earthquake-induced liquefaction problem in detail and tabulates known impacts to lifeline systems. Engineers and geologists can use the results to better understand the range of effects liquefaction may have on different lifeline systems, improving diagnosis of mechanisms and their impacts, and increasing lifeline resilience to earthquakes.



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