首页> 外文会议>Americas conference on information systems;AMCIS 2005 >Determinants of Fit: Task, Technology, and Content

Determinants of Fit: Task, Technology, and Content




Task technology fit (TTF) has received academic attention as a user evaluation construct, which in turn has been widely usedas a measure of information systems success. One of the key concerns in the TTF literature has been the properconceptualization and measurement of fit. However, some TTF constructs still do not seem to measure fit, and others that domeasure fit are not organized in any kind of way that can promote a deeper understanding of task technology fit. To addressthis problem, existing TTF constructs are re-evaluated, and an alternative task technology fit model is developed. Thisresearch in progress paper proposes content characteristics as a new determinant of fit, and introduces three new dimensionsof fit: task match, ease of use, and ease of learning.
机译:任务技术适合度(TTF)作为用户评估结构受到了学术界的关注,反过来又被广泛用作信息系统成功的度量。 TTF文献中的主要关注之一是合适性的概念化和拟合度。但是,某些TTF构造似乎仍无法衡量适合度,而其他确实适合度的组织则无法以任何一种能促进对任务技术适合度的更深入理解的方式进行组织。为了解决这个问题,对现有的TTF构造进行了重新评估,并开发了另一种任务技术拟合模型。这项正在进行的研究论文提出了内容特征作为适合度的新决定因素,并引入了适合度的三个新维度:任务匹配,易用性和易学习性。



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