首页> 外文会议>Aftermaths of war : Women's movements and female activists, 1918-1923 >A BITTER-SWEET VICTORY: FEMINISMS IN FRANCE (1918-1923)



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Post-war feminisms were confronted by new issues. Pacifism, relatively absent as a notion before 1914, was added to their programme, although it meant different things to different branches of the movement. Some women embraced pacifism from a sense of guilt. In 1918, for example, Andree Jouve considered that women "have accepted or sought to assume a share of responsibility in this monstrous crime", and that, as a consequence of this, they behaved either as "servants, dolls, or as copies of men".28 Her position was close to that of the writer Romain Rolland: "You could have opposed or fought this war in the hearts of men".29 By contrast, Gabrielle Duchene, who came from the same circles as Jouve, thought that "women, because of the distance at which they have been kept from public affairs, are still not responsible for the past".30 For all feminists, granting women the right to vote and stand in elections would allow the ideal of peace between nations to become a reality. The mobilisation of women for peace was sufficiently threatening, indeed, for male nationalist politicians to use it as a good reason for refusing the suffrage to women.In 1923 it was clearly not possible to predict that feminism would be thwarted for another two decades in France. However, the first signs of weakness among radical feminists, embroiled as they were in a stormy relationship with the Communist Party, were perceptible. The first expulsions from the party had already occurred, and others would follow shortly afterwards with the Stalinisation of the party. At the same time, the virulent anti-Communism of the post-war period
机译:战后女权主义面临新问题。和平主义虽然在1914年以前还没有出现过,但在运动计划中加入了和平主义,尽管它对运动的不同分支意味着不同的含义。一些妇女出于内感而接受了和平主义。例如,在1918年,安德烈·茹夫(Andree Jouve)认为妇女“已经接受或试图承担这一可怕罪行中的责任”,因此,她们表现为“仆人,玩偶或仿制品”。男人”。28她的立场与作家罗曼·罗兰(Romain Rolland)的立场很接近:“你可能在男人的心中反对或打过这场战争”。29相反,与乔夫(Jouve)来自同一个圈子的加布里埃尔·杜赫内(Gabrielle Duchene)认为“由于妇女与公共事务距离遥远,她们仍然对过去不负责任。” 30对于所有女权主义者来说,赋予妇女选举权和参加选举的权利将使国家之间的和平理想得以实现。成为现实。的确,为和平而动员妇女确实足以威胁到男性民族主义政客将其用作拒绝妇女参政的充分理由.1923年,显然不可能预测女权主义将在法国再遭受二十年的挫败。 。然而,激进的女权主义者在与共产党处于风风雨雨的关系中而陷入软弱的最初迹象是可以察觉的。该党的第一次开除已经发生,随后不久,随着党的斯大林化,其他人将被驱逐出境。同时,战后的强大反共主义



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