
Characterization And Elimination Of An Immunodominant Soybean Seed Allergen


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Food allergies have been recognized as a growing problem. Increased diversity of diets and sources have allowed much wider choices of food with that much greater potential to encounter a food that elicits an adverse immunological response. Among the major foods wheat, dairy, eggs and soybean are often cited as major sources of food allergies due to their inclusion as significant fractions of all foods especially prepared foods so often used in industrialized countries. The wide use of soybean products in processed foods poses potential threat to soybean -sensitive food -allergic individuals. The clinical symptoms of soybean allergy can be manifested as gastric distress or atopic dermatitis and while usually not life threatening, suspected cases of anaphylaxis have been reported. In vitro assays on soybean seed proteins with sera from soy-sensitive individuals have shown that the major seed storage proteins as well as other minor seed proteins account for IgE-binding. Among these IgE binding proteins is Gly m Bd 30K which was found to be identical to P34 a member of the papain superfamily of cysteine proteases previously identified by Herman and coworkers (2, 3). The identification of P34 as the allergen Gly m Bd 30K presented the opportunity to analyze a major food allergen in detail and to use the results of this research to design an approach to eliminate the allergen from a transgenic soybean line.
机译:食物过敏已被视为一个日益严重的问题。饮食和来源多样化的增加使得人们可以选择更多的食物,而这些食物更有可能遇到引起不良免疫反应的食物。在主要食品中,小麦,乳制品,鸡蛋和大豆通常被认为是食物过敏的主要来源,因为它们占所有食物的很大一部分,尤其是在工业化国家中经常使用的预制食品。大豆产品在加工食品中的广泛使用对大豆敏感的食物过敏者构成潜在威胁。大豆过敏的临床症状可表现为胃部不适或特应性皮炎,尽管通常不会危及生命,但已报道了可疑的过敏反应病例。用大豆敏感个体的血清对大豆种子蛋白进行的体外分析表明,主要的种子贮藏蛋白以及其他次要的种子蛋白都与IgE结合。在这些IgE结合蛋白中有Gly m Bd 30K,它被发现与P34相同,P34是先前由Herman和同事确定的半胱氨酸蛋白酶的木瓜蛋白酶超家族成员(2、3)。将P34鉴定为变应原Gly m Bd 30K,提供了机会来详细分析主要食物变应原,并利用这项研究的结果设计了一种从转基因大豆品系中消除变应原的方法。



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