
Chirp Signal Analysis with Amplitude Modulation


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Signals with linear frequency modulation are used in synthetic aperture radar to improve spatial resolution and signaloise ratio. Acoustic field is proposed in this paper to investigate objects, because it could penetrate them, and propagate inside. When input signal frequency is about resonance frequency, the attenuation is increased, and as a result, the scattered acoustic field is decreased as well. So, a linear frequency modulation signal with constant amplitude is sent to the investigated object, and variable amplitude is reflected, corresponding to the object resonance frequencies. A new method for detection the amplitude modulation of these signals in presence of noise is presented. The method uses the fractional Fourier transform in two steps. In the first step a rotation of signal by the angle a=45° is done. The all spectral components outside central band are canceled. After that a new rotation of new function with the same angle is done. The simulated results are presented. The method gives good results of amplitude modulation detection for signals with complex modulation signals having signal - noise ratio in power up to - 5 dB. By knowing the resonance frequencies it is possible to specify the largest 3D object dimension, appreciate the relative values of the other dimensions, and do a rough classification of that object. The presented method could be used for rough classification of buried objects in earth or to early diagnose whether a tumor tissue is or not malignant.
机译:具有线性频率调制的信号用于合成孔径雷达,以提高空间分辨率和信噪比。本文提出用声场来研究物体,因为它可以穿透物体并在内部传播。当输入信号频率约为谐振频率时,衰减增加,结果,散射声场也减小。因此,将具有恒定幅度的线性调频信号发送到被调查对象,并反射与对象共振频率相对应的可变幅度。提出了一种在存在噪声的情况下检测这些信号的幅度调制的新方法。该方法分两步使用分数阶傅里叶变换。在第一步中,将信号旋转角度为a = 45°。中心频带之外的所有频谱分量被抵消。之后,以相同的角度进行新功能的新旋转。给出了仿真结果。对于具有高达-5 dB功率的信噪比的复杂调制信号的信号,该方法给出了良好的幅度调制检测结果。通过了解共振频率,可以指定最大的3D对象尺寸,欣赏其他尺寸的相对值,并对该对象进行粗略分类。所提出的方法可以用于对地下埋物体的粗略分类或用于早期诊断肿瘤组织是否为恶性。



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