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A Novel Architecture for the Generation of Picture Based CAPTCHA


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Denial of service attacks at application layer is major threat today. Web Programmers have come out with CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Human Apart) mechanism to mitigate the impact of DoS attacks. Most of the CAPTCHA today are OCR based which is having two fold limitations. Firstly several automated tools that are capable of reading the CAPTCHA have emerged. Secondly the CAPTCHA is not comfortable for the human to read and feed the correct information online to send their web request. In order to overcome these difficulties a new type of CAPTCHA is introduced namely picture based CAPTCHA. It helps the user to overcome the drawbacks of the previous approach since it's easy to use and understand and is also more secure than text based CAPTCHA. In this paper we propose a redesigned layout (model) for picture based CAPTCHA, which will provide an upper hand than the existing techniques. Our security analysis shows that the proposed model yields better results than other picture based CAPTCHA.
机译:今天,在应用程序层进行的拒绝服务攻击是主要威胁。 Web程序员提出了CAPTCHA(完全自动化的公共Turing测试,以告诉计算机和人类分开)机制,以减轻DoS攻击的影响。如今,大多数CAPTCHA都是基于OCR的,它有两个限制。首先,出现了几种能够读取CAPTCHA的自动化工具。其次,CAPTCHA不适合人类在线阅读和提供正确的信息以发送其Web请求。为了克服这些困难,引入了新型的CAPTCHA,即基于图片的CAPTCHA。由于它易于使用和理解,并且比基于文本的CAPTCHA更安全,因此它可以帮助用户克服以前方法的缺点。在本文中,我们为基于图片的CAPTCHA提出了一种重新设计的布局(模型),它将比现有技术更具优势。我们的安全性分析表明,与其他基于图片的验证码相比,该模型产生的结果更好。



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