首页> 外文会议>ICCSE2008;International Conference on Computer Science Education >Design of Short Chinese Ancient Cartoon Story for Children's Culture Education

Design of Short Chinese Ancient Cartoon Story for Children's Culture Education




Spreading Chinese ancient culture to children in online cartoon animation has important realistic meaning. It is becoming common sense that cartoon animation and national culture are tied together .In this paper, the design method of 2D and 3D short cartoon animation is introduced. The 2D cartoon animation is "frog's sound in a lotus pool", its primitive drama is from Judge Dee's Mystery, the process of settling a lawsuit is expressed by cartoon animation, which includes knowledge of a lot of disciplines, such as ancient crime, ancient law, ancient building, social psychology, animation technology, and multimedia etc. The art design of story and character in the short cartoon film for Judge Dee's Mystery are also presented. The 3D cartoon animation is "Nie Xiao Qian", its primitive drama is from Chinese ancient Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio, the cartoon scene and the characters are designed in threedimensional software. The demonstration of the cartoon animation has three-dimensional perspective effect, and it can give good pictures of the story plot, all the cartoon animations are realized by Flash program.
机译:通过在线卡通动画向儿童传播中国古代文化具有重要的现实意义。将卡通动画与民族文化联系在一起已成为常识。本文介绍了2D和3D短卡通动画的设计方法。 2D卡通动画是“荷塘中的青蛙的声音”,其原始戏曲来自Dee法官的奥秘,解决诉讼的过程是通过卡通动画表达的,其中包括许多学科的知识,例如古代犯罪,古代法律,古建筑,社会心理学,动画技术和多媒体等。还介绍了迪伊法官的神秘短片中的故事和角色的艺术设计。 3D卡通动画是《聂小倩》,其原始戏曲取材自中国古代的一个孤独的工作室的奇幻故事,卡通场景和人物都是在三维软件中设计的。卡通动画的演示具有三维透视效果,可以很好地描绘故事情节,所有卡通动画均通过Flash程序实现。



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