
The Malta-Sicily EHV-AC interconnector


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The Malta-Sicily 225 MW cable (20 km underground and 100 km submarine) line will be the longest 245 kV ac cable system in the world. The interconnector, which will synchronously connect Malta to the ENTSO-E system, is expected to be in service by the end of year 2013 and a duplicate link is foreseen in year 2016. The innovative connection scheme allows mutual reactive power support and steady-state voltage decoupling between Sicilian and Maltese network by use of joint operation of autotransformer (ATRs) with OLTCs and variable shunt reactors (VSRs). The paper presents main features of the link both from the technical and the environmental point of view; voltage stability and electro-magnetic transient studies are also dealt with in order to assess dynamic performances of the interconnected networks of Malta and Sicily. Losses estimates are also reported, showing that overall transmission losses are lower than 4% at full load, which makes the ac solution competitive with state-of-the-art HVDC-VSC systems.
机译:马耳他-西西里岛的225兆瓦电缆(地下20公里,海底100公里)将是世界上最长的245 kV交流电缆系统。该互连器将把马耳他与ENTSO-E系统同步连接,预计将于2013年底投入使用,并有望在2016年实现双链路。创新的连接方案可提供互无功功率支持和稳态通过使用自耦变压器(ATR)与OLTC和可变并联电抗器(VSR)的联合运行,在西西里和马耳他网络之间实现电压去耦。本文从技术和环境的角度介绍了链接的主要特征。为了评估马耳他和西西里岛互连网络的动态性能,还进行了电压稳定性和电磁暂态研究。还报告了损耗估计,表明在满载情况下总的传输损耗低于4%,这使得该交流解决方案与最新的HVDC-VSC系统具有竞争力。



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