首页> 外文会议>7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics(SCI 2003) vol.8: Applications of Informatics and Cybernetics in Science and Engineering >Economic openness, contingency leadership models, and the international competitiveness model in Egypt: Is there a link?

Economic openness, contingency leadership models, and the international competitiveness model in Egypt: Is there a link?


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Egypt as one of the emerging economies has witnessed some economic changes and challenges translated through the economic reform program supported by the IMF. One of the outcomes of the changes was the increase in the degree of the openness in the economic arena. The paper investigates the link among the international competitiveness model, economic openness and the contingency leadership models in Egypt In order to study such a relation The paper: (ⅰ) employs the international competitiveness model that links the international economic aspects with some managerial issues, (ⅱ) discusses the contingency leadership models focusing on Fiedler model, path-goal theory, leader-participation model, situational leadership model, and (ⅲ) measures the degree of openness in terms of the volume of international trade as a percent of GDP in Egypt. Then the paper highlights the most commonly applied leadership aspects in some companies in the industrial sector in Egypt. Finally the paper models that link among the mentioned variables, which suits the Egyptian economy better in the globalization era.
机译:埃及作为新兴经济体之一,在国际货币基金组织支持的经济改革计划中见证了一些经济变化和挑战。变化的结果之一是经济领域的开放程度提高。本文研究了埃及的国际竞争力模型,经济开放性和应急领导模型之间的联系,以便研究这种关系。论文:(ⅰ)采用了将国际经济方面与一些管理问题联系起来的国际竞争力模型,( ⅱ)讨论了以Fiedler模​​型,路径目标理论,领导者参与模型,情境领导模型为重点的应急领导模型,以及(ⅲ)衡量了国际贸易量占埃及GDP百分比的开放程度。然后,本文重点介绍了埃及工业部门中一些公司最常用的领导力方面。最后,本文建立了上述变量之间联系的模型,这更适合全球化时代的埃及经济。



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