首页> 外文会议>6th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers Vol.1, Apr 2-5, 2002, Estoril-Lisboa, Portugal >Full Scale Assessment of the Influence of a Precessing Jet of Air on the Performance of Pulverised Coal Flame in a Cement Kiln

Full Scale Assessment of the Influence of a Precessing Jet of Air on the Performance of Pulverised Coal Flame in a Cement Kiln


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The first full-scale assessment of the performance of precessing jet nozzles when firing pulverised fuel, the "Solid Fuel Gyro-Therm~(TM)" (SFGT), is reported. The trials were undertaken in the 3000 tpd rotary kiln of Ash Grove Cement, Durkee, Oregon. The burner comprised an annular stream of indirect-fired pulverised coal, two co-annular streams of axial air, and a central precessing jet air nozzle. This design allowed the burner to be configured either as a SFGT or the benchmark "High Momentum" burner, simply by adjusting valves. The benchmark burner had been optimised using physical modelling to have a Craya Curtet parameter of 2.2. The same total mass of "primary" air was introduced through the burner in both configurations. The results showed that the introduction of air through the Precessing Jet nozzle resulted in a dramatic shift in the heat flux profile toward the front of the kiln. This shift is quantified by shell temperature profiles and pyrometer measurements of the bed temperature. Consistent with this shift in heat flux was a reduction in fuel usage by around 4%, based on the average of all test periods, and by about 5% based on short-term comparisons under comparable operating conditions. Quantification of the difference in NO emissions was hampered by differences in the average excess air across the various trial periods. Hence, while the average NO concentration was comparable with the two burners, this is not considered to be a representative comparison. A comparison based on the most similar periods of 6 hour operation revealed a 27% reduction in NO emissions with the SFGT.
机译:据报道,在燃烧粉状燃料时,对进动喷嘴的性能进行了首次全面评估,即“固态燃料Gyro-ThermTM(SFGT)”。试验是在俄勒冈州Durkee的Ash Grove Cement的3000吨/天的回转窑中进行的。燃烧器包括一个环形的间接燃烧的煤粉流,两个同轴的轴向空气流和一个中央进动喷射空气喷嘴。这种设计允许通过简单地调节阀将燃烧器配置为SFGT或基准“高动量”燃烧器。已使用物理模型对基准燃烧器进行了优化,使其Craya Curtet参数为2.2。在两种配置中,总质量相同的“一次”空气通过燃烧器引入。结果表明,通过旋进喷嘴引入的空气导致热通量曲线向窑炉前部急剧移动。该变化通过壳温度曲线和床温的高温计测量来量化。与热通量的这种变化相一致的是,基于所有测试期间的平均值,燃油使用量减少了约4%,基于可比操作条件下的短期比较,则减少了约5%。在各个试验期间,平均过量空气的差异阻碍了NO排放差异的量化。因此,尽管平均NO浓度与两个燃烧器相当,但这并不代表具有代表性。根据最相似的6小时运行时间进行的比较显示,SFGT可将NO排放降低27%。



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