首页> 外文会议>54th Israel annual conference on aerospace sciences : program >Executive Aircraft Emergency Landing Simulation and Analysis

Executive Aircraft Emergency Landing Simulation and Analysis


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Based on the new 2006 EASA requirements, landing simulationsrnhave been carried out by MSC.Adams resulting in animation moviesrnshowing the landing procedure and loadings on the aircraft structure.rnThose loads were input into MSC.Nastran FEM analyses from whichrnstructure internal loads and displacements were obtained and used asrna basis to substantiate the aircraft structure. It should be noted thatrnimpact loads for short times can also be obtained by FEM programsrnsuch as MSC.Nastran. However this is practically impossible for thernlanding duration time. On the other hand MSC.Adams modeling isrnbased on solid bodies connected by hinges and springs. An effort hadrnto be made in order to fit this simplified model in order to obtain therncorrect results that correlated those of MSC.Nastran at the firstrnimpact. The landing simulation and analysis have been carried out forrnthe following cases: All wheel up, SKEG landing with opened NLGrnand Single MLG landing.



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