
Changes in usage, usability, and user support


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Two research projects are being conducted as part of the Digital Library Federation's initiative on usage, usability and user support. In the first project, preliminary survey results indicate that library usage and usability data is often gathered, but not analyzed and put to use; that libraries are reorganizing and re-staffing to centralize and manage data gathering, analysis and application, and that libraries need guidance in gathering data appropriate to their strategic needs and that will enable comparison with peer institutions. Further research will be designed and conducted to address strategic aims and audiences that are not well served with existing data gathering methods.The survey report will be available in June 2001. The second project leverages existing new measures initiatives and formulates additional measures to develop baseline and comparable trend data that will document and help explain changing patterns of demand for and use of academic library collections, services and facilities. To provide a broader environmental context in which to interpret changing trends in library use, this research project includes examining the use of information resources, services and computing facilities not provided by the libraries, as well as changes in academic curricula and practice that could impact demand for and use of the library. Tentative plans are to gather trend data for the selected measures for a five-year period, beginning 1999-2000.



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