首页> 外文会议>4th International Symposium on Architectural Interchange in Asia; Sep 17-19, 2002; Chongqing, China >Urban Regeneration Strategies in Historical Context Case study: Kangkyung Regeneration, Korea

Urban Regeneration Strategies in Historical Context Case study: Kangkyung Regeneration, Korea


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From the growth of cities, the cities mainly concern function, economical efficiency, and conveniences under the modern urbanism. However, they bring about causes and problems of declined cities with lacking identities in physical, economic, and social aspects. Therefore, we need urban regeneration strategies in Historic Context for revitalization of old town center. Based on these urban phenomena, the propose of this study is to review cause and problems of declined old town center and solution to regenerate the town as the urban regeneration focused on historic preservation through a case study of Kangkyung town. In other words, it is to suggest a strategy of regeneration for declined town in historic context. To analyze the case of Kangkyung, this study approaches theoretical review and case analysis with three different aspects, physical, economic, and social aspect within district and architectural dimension. Finally the study evaluates the case due to the comparative study with obtained strategies of successful regeneration for historic preservation through the theoretical study, and suggests the value of urban regeneration focused on historic preservation.



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