
The Stamina of Non-Gasketed, Flanged Pipe Connections


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Most international design codes for pressure equipment, such as BS 5500, ASME VIII and the new European standard prEN 13455, provide rules and equations to allow gasketed joints to be safely designed for a given internal pressure design and loading. In general they do not take into account the effect of axial plus lateral loads and bending moments acting in conjunction with the main pressure load. This paper is based on two years of experimental and finite element studies of both standard/conventional ANSI (gasketed) and modern VCF (non-gasketed) flanged joints (according to the VERAX Compact Flange System). This has led to a deeper understanding of the requirements for a successful assembly and long term usage. ANSI and VCF joints have been subject to internal pressure, axial and lateral forces, with these loads having been applied both singly and in combinations. Mode of load acting in the joint i.e. static or dynamic has been studied for both kinds of joints. Experimental and analytical results are compared. Some practical considerations on the use of important emerging technology i.e. non-gasketed pipe joints in comparison to conventional gasketed systems are presented. Of fundamental importance is an insight into the mechanism of the bolted joint showing the effect from an external load on a preloaded bolt. It is found that it can be made near zero hence, in a properly built, non-gasketed bolted joint a static mode rules, and therefore the stamina of such a joint is unlimited. This paper demonstrates that the novel system is an efficient and well-engineered alternative to traditional joints.
机译:大部分国际压力设备设计规范,例如BS 5500,ASME VIII和新的欧洲标准prEN 13455,都提供了规则和公式,可以针对给定的内部压力设计和负载安全地设计密封接头。通常,它们不考虑轴向和横向载荷以及与主压力载荷一起作用的弯矩的影响。本文基于对标准/常规ANSI(带垫片)和现代VCF(非带垫片)法兰接头(根据VERAX紧凑型法兰系统)的两年实验和有限元研究。这使人们对成功组装和长期使用的要求有了更深入的了解。 ANSI和VCF接头已受到内部压力,轴向和横向力的作用,这些载荷已单独或组合施加。两种关节都研究了作用在关节上的载荷模式,即静态或动态。比较实验和分析结果。提出了使用重要的新兴技术的一些实际考虑,即与常规垫片系统相比,非垫片管接头。至关重要的是深入了解螺栓连接的机理,显示出外部载荷对预紧螺栓的影响。已经发现它可以接近于零,因此,在适当构建的,无垫圈的螺栓连接中,静态模式是规则的,因此这种连接的耐力是无限的。本文证明了这种新型系统是传统关节的一种有效且精心设计的替代方案。



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