首页> 外文会议>The 47th international federation of landscape architects (IFLA) world congress >A Probe into the Nature Value Comparison between West and China--By a Study on the Changes of Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention

A Probe into the Nature Value Comparison between West and China--By a Study on the Changes of Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention


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China witnesses a prosperous development of world heritage in recent years, especially in the 21 century. During the development of world heritage, however, there were frequent cultural confusions internationally. Therefore it is of great importance to do deep research into the cultural comparison between the western countries and China. Based on the study of changes of Operational Guidelines for The Implementation of The World Heritage Convention, this paper mainly concentrated on interpreting the evolution of the changes of operational guidelines from 1972 to 2010 in 19 versions. This paper explores into the natural value comparison between western and Chinese philosophy and the environmental ethics. By examining the evolution and comparison of Chinese and Western view of nature, this paper aims to be the guidance of the law making in the practice of the world heritage, better re-cognition of world heritage as well as nomination, protection and management of world heritage in China.



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