首页> 外文会议>2017 International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology >The Model and Implementation of Javanese Script Image Transliteration

The Model and Implementation of Javanese Script Image Transliteration


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Manuscript image transliteration system is an implementation of transliteration model of manuscript in Javanese script, which is an alternative for transliteration issues in terms of length of process and accuracy of transliteration result. One of the important stages in manuscript image transliteration system is transliteration of every script image in the manuscript image. The main problem of transliterating Javanese script image of manuscript is high variability of script images in terms of size, thickness, and slant. The main purpose of this research is to find the value of accurate recognition of Javanese handwriting script by applying some model in preprocessing process and feature extraction. The template matching approach is applied in the process of labeling a script according to its class. Since handwriting characteristics are most likely not the same in how to write a script, in preprocessing processes are made to uniform character properties in terms of color, thickness, slant, and size. Since the Javanese script similar with the Thai script, the characteristic search approach applied to recognize the Thai script is also applied in this research. The main data for test data source was the result of segmentation of manuscript photocopy digital image with catalogue number SB.141 which is stored in Sonobudoyo Museum has mbata sarimbag writing style. The result of testing script image transliteration system on 291 Javanese script images produced 95% confidence level, showing that the confidence interval of the average percentage of truth of the transliteration is 73.51% to 85.69%.
机译:原稿图像音译系统是Javanese脚本中原稿音译模型的实现,从音译过程的长度和音译结果的准确性方面来说,它是音译问题的替代方案。手稿图像音译系统的重要阶段之一是手稿图像中每个脚本图像的音译。对Javanese脚本图像进行音译的主要问题是脚本图像在大小,厚度和倾斜度方面的高度可变性。这项研究的主要目的是通过在预处理过程和特征提取中应用某种模型来发现准确识别Java手写体的价值。模板匹配方法应用于根据脚本类别标记脚本的过程中。由于手写特征很可能在编写脚本的方式上不相同,因此在预处理过程中,要使字符的颜色,厚度,倾斜度和大小一致。由于Javanese脚本与Thai脚本相似,因此在本研究中还应用了用于识别Thai脚本的特征搜索方法。测试数据源的主要数据是存储在Sonobudoyo博物馆中的具有序号SB.141的手抄本数字图像的分割结果,该图像具有mbata sarimbag书写风格。在291个Java脚本脚本图像上测试脚本图像音译系统的结果产生了95%的置信度,表明音译真相的平均百分比的置信区间为73.51%,至85.69%。



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