首页> 外文会议>2017 International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology >Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Visual Information On Android Device

Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Visual Information On Android Device


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The number of casualties from road accidents keep arising each year. While there are many causes to road accidents, most are surprisingly caused by human errors, such as drowsiness. Therefore, this issue raises an idea for an application which will be able to track a person's eye movement while driving. The application, called “Driver Drowsiness Detection”, runs on an Android handheld and wearable. The purpose of this application is to alert drivers so that they can be cautioned to pull over and stop driving in a drowsy state. The application “Driver Drow-siness Detection” utilizes Haar-cascade Detection as well as template matching in OpenCV to detect and track the eyes using the front camera of an Android device. Testing has been conducted to ensure that the functionality, behavior, performance and user satisfaction are as expected. Even though, the input received by the application still has several restrictions, specifically in correlation to sufficient lighting and obscurity of the face and eyes area, the application has successfully detected the eye blinks at the angle of 30 to 60 degrees and distance of 20-50 cm, as well as measuring the heart rate.
机译:每年发生的道路交通事故伤亡人数不断增加。虽然造成道路交通事故的原因很多,但令人惊讶的是,大多数是人为失误(例如睡意)引起的。因此,该问题提出了一种在驾驶时能够跟踪人眼运动的应用的想法。该应用程序名为“驾驶员困倦检测”,可在Android手持设备上运行并可穿戴。此应用程序的目的是警告驾驶员,以便可以警告他们在昏昏欲睡的状态下停车并停止驾驶。 “驾驶员“睡感检测”应用程序利用Haar级联检测以及OpenCV中的模板匹配功能,使用Android设备的前置摄像头检测和跟踪眼睛。已进行测试以确保功能,行为,性能和用户满意度符合预期。即使应用程序接收到的输入仍然有几个限制,特别是与足够的照明以及面部和眼睛区域的遮盖有关,该应用程序已成功检测到以30度到60度的角度和20度的距离眨眼50厘米,以及测量心率。



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