
Power planning of sundargarh town


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Power planning is the process of predicting the future load. This paper presents a methodology to evaluate the amount of power supply provided to a region and the power demand of Sundargarh town. The D. Gs sets are surveyed to analyze the reliability of power supply for the projection process by determining the present and past scenario of energy demand and by considering the number of load shedding and whether the energy supplied to the region is sufficient or not through the two medium term and long term methods of load forecasting one is Econometric approach and other is End use approach which includes the statistical information about the customer classes, energy demand and different factors of load forecasting like weather and time factors that are essential basis for projection of future energy demand. From the present and past scenario of load demand a load curve is obtained. Though power supply is not sufficient enough still D. Gs are there to en capsule the power supply to a degree.
机译:电力计划是预测未来负荷的过程。本文提出了一种方法,用于评估向某个地区提供的电力供应量和Sundargarh镇的电力需求。对D.Gs集进行调查,以通过确定当前和过去的能源需求情景,并考虑减载的次数以及通过该区域提供给该区域的能量是否充足,来分析投影过程的电源可靠性。负荷预测的两种中长期方法,一种是计量经济学方法,另一种是最终使用方法,其中包括有关客户类别,能源需求以及负荷预测的不同因素(如天气和时间因素)的统计信息,这是预测负荷的基本依据。未来的能源需求。从当前和过去的负载需求情景中,可以获得负载曲线。尽管电源不够,但仍然有D. Gs在一定程度上封装了电源。



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