首页> 外文会议>2017 IEEE Global Internet of Things Summit >Enhanced human-centric building energy performance rating: Operational rating and behavioral change in the scope of OrbEEt project

Enhanced human-centric building energy performance rating: Operational rating and behavioral change in the scope of OrbEEt project


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Energy performance of commercial buildings heavily relies on three interrelated groups of factors: Business processes, facility characteristics & occupant behaviour under specific context. We are presenting an innovative framework developed in the EU H2020 OrbEEt project that aims to establish a holistic organizational energy performance framework extending contemporary and standardized energy performance rating practices by incorporating dynamic business and behavioural information. The proposed EPC framework is tested and evaluated in four pilot buildings around Europe, addressing different social, business and operational characteristics.
机译:商业建筑的能源绩效在很大程度上取决于三个相互关联的因素组:业务流程,设施特征和特定环境下的乘员行为。我们正在提出一个在欧盟H2020 OrbEEt项目中开发的创新框架,该框架旨在通过整合动态业务和行为信息来建立一个全面的组织能源绩效框架,以扩展当代和标准化的能源绩效评级做法。拟议的EPC框架在欧洲的四个试点建筑中进行了测试和评估,以解决不同的社会,业务和运营特征。



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