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Knowledge Management System usage evaluation with logging and quantitative method


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Knowledge Management System (KMS) function to support the Knowledge Management process, to create, capture, share, reuse and optimize the knowledge. Knowledge Management System usage need to be evaluated after some period of use in order to know how success the implementation the system. This study is to evaluate the usage of a Knowledge Management System a case in Bina Nusantara (BINUS) University, Jakarta city, Indonesia. This evaluation purpose is to know what the most favorite module, when the peak season of this Knowledge Management System use, how big the user data growth, how big the content data growth, and what the pattern of Knowledge Management System usage. The method in this study is activating the logging feature that allows system to gain exact quantitative insight into the usage statistics of the Knowledge Management System. Then collected this data over 9 months from March to November 2015. Based on this logging data and quantitative method, this study evaluate the Knowledge Management System usage data, and then got the results are: first, the most 3 favorite modules are Quality Standards, Photo, and Documents. Second, the peak season of this Knowledge Management System use is month October, September, and August. Third, information about the user data growth. Fourth, information about the content data growth and fifth, information about the pattern of Knowledge Management System usage.
机译:知识管理系统(KMS)功能支持知识管理过程,以创建,捕获,共享,重用和优化知识。在一段时间的使用后,需要评估知识管理系统的使用情况,以便了解如何成功实施该系统。本研究旨在评估印度尼西亚雅加达市Bina Nusantara(BINUS)大学案例中知识管理系统的使用情况。评估的目的是了解最喜欢的模块是什么,何时使用此知识管理系统的高峰期,用户数据增长多少,内容数据增长多少,以及知识管理系统使用的模式。本研究中的方法是激活日志记录功能,使系统可以对知识管理系统的使用情况统计信息进行准确的定量分析。然后在2015年3月至2015年11月的9个月内收集了这些数据。基于此日志记录数据和定量方法,本研究对知识管理系统的使用数据进行了评估,得出的结果是:首先,最喜欢的三个模块是质量标准,照片和文件。其次,此知识管理系统使用的旺季是10月,9月和8月。第三,有关用户数据增长的信息。第四,有关内容数据增长的信息,第五,有关知识管理系统使用模式的信息。



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