
Design of Computer Composition Principle Experiment BoardBased on CPLD

机译:基于CPLD的计算机组成原理实验板的设计 r

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In accordance with the problem that the traditional experiment board of computerrncomposition principle can only be used for functional realization and verification, which cannot satisfyrnthe students’ design and innovation, this paper proposes an improved experiment board method ofrncomputer composition principle. This method has used the complex programmable logic device (CPLD)rnchip to replace the original discrete small-scale integration chip; the Quartus II is used to complete therncircuit description by drawing schematic diagram; in the meantime, the control signal board and the datarnpath board are integrated, which form a complete computer system with the microprogrammed board,rnwhich can be used in the experiment teaching. The experimental test results show that the newrnexperiment board based on CPLD has stable and reliable operation, which can realize functionsrnconsistent with the original experiment instrument, and it can be used as the EDA experiment board.
机译:针对传统的计算机组成原理实验板只能用于功能实现和验证,不能满足学生设计和创新的问题,提出了一种改进的计算机组成原理实验板方法。该方法使用了复杂的可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)芯片来代替原始的离散小规模集成芯片。 Quartus II通过绘制原理图来完成电路描述。同时将控制信号板和数据路径板集成在一起,与微程序板组成完整的计算机系统,可用于实验教学。实验测试结果表明,基于CPLD的新型实验板运行稳定可靠,可以实现与原始实验仪器一致的功能,可以作为EDA实验板使用。



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