首页> 外文会议>2015 IEEE Magnetics Conference >Improving estimation accuracy of nasogastric tube tip position using pre data

Improving estimation accuracy of nasogastric tube tip position using pre data




Summary form only given. Early and chronic stroke patients tend to have trouble swallowing. To ensure that they are able to receive the required nutrition, a nasogastric tube is usually used to pour nutrients into the stomach. However, when the tube is inserted through the patient's nostril into their stomach, it may be accidentally inserted into the lungs, and this may be fatal if the nutrients are released into the lungs. To prevent this, a method to estimate the position of the tip of the tube has previously been proposed. This method involves attaching a permanent magnet to the nasogastric tube and arranging several magneto impedance (MI) sensors outside the body. We reported that when using the system shown, there is an error of less than 1 cm in the position of the permanent magnet when the distance between the MI sensor plane and the permanent magnet is less than or equal to 11 cm. However, the estimation error exceeds 1 cm when the distance exceeds 11 cm. This is believed to be due to errors in the calculation of the lead-field matrix. In other words, there is an array mismatch because of the existence of ferromagnetic materials surrounding the measurement system, e.g., beds and steel frames inside the building. In a hospital setting, because of the variety of human body sizes, the error in the estimated magnet position must be less than or equal to 1 cm even when the distance approaches 15 cm. To meet this requirement, we use pre data that are obtained by placing a permanent magnet at each position and in each direction to improve the accuracy with which the position of the permanent magnet is estimated. In this study, we apply the pre data to the minimum variance beamformer (MVBF), which is used for the MI sensor system.
机译:仅提供摘要表格。早期和慢性中风患者容易吞咽困难。为了确保他们能够获得所需的营养,通常使用鼻胃管将营养物倒入胃中。但是,当将管子通过患者的鼻孔插入胃中时,可能会不小心将其插入肺部,如果养分释放到肺部,可能会致命。为了防止这种情况,先前已经提出了一种估计管的尖端的位置的方法。此方法包括将永久磁铁连接到鼻胃管,并在体外布置几个磁阻抗(MI)传感器。我们报告说,当使用所示系统时,当MI传感器平面与永磁体之间的距离小于或等于11 cm时,永磁体位置的误差小于1 cm。但是,当距离超过11 cm时,估计误差将超过1 cm。据信这是由于超前场矩阵的计算中的错误。换句话说,由于围绕测量系统的铁磁材料(例如建筑物内的床和钢架)的存在,导致阵列不匹配。在医院环境中,由于人体尺寸的变化,即使距离接近15厘米,估计的磁体位置误差也必须小于或等于1厘米。为了满足此要求,我们使用通过在每个位置和每个方向上放置一个永磁体而获得的预数据,以提高估算永磁体位置的准确性。在这项研究中,我们将前置数据应用到用于MI传感器系统的最小方差波束形成器(MVBF)。



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