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Intercepting tokens in cryptographic protocols: The empire strikes back in the clone wars


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Achieving information-theoretically secure key exchange between two parties requires some “hardware set-up”, like the possibility to transmit quantum bits. An alternative approach, which recently emerged in the crypto community, is to use tamper-resistant hardware tokens in protocols. However, such tokens need to be transmitted physically between parties, opening up the possibility to attack the actual transfer of the token, possibly in combination with attacks on the digital protocol. We discuss such interception attacks on cryptographic protocols which rely on trustworthy hardware like one-time memory tokens (Goldwasser et al., Crypto 2008). In such attacks the adversary can mount man-in-the-middle attacks and access, or even substitute, transmitted tokens. We show that many of the existing token-based protocols are vulnerable against this kind of attack, which typically lies outside of the previously considered security models. We also give a positive result for protocols remaining secure against such attacks. We present a very efficient protocol for password-based authenticated key exchange based on the weak model of one-time memory tokens. Our protocol only requires four moves, very basic operations, and the sender to send ℓ tokens in the first step for passwords of length ℓ. At the same time we achieve information-theoretic security in Canetti's universal composition framework (FOCS 2001) against adaptive adversaries (assuming reliable erasure), even if the tokens are not guaranteed to be transferred securely, i.e., even if the adversary can read or substitute transmitted tokens.
机译:要在两方之间实现信息理论上的安全密钥交换,需要进行一些“硬件设置”,例如传输量子比特的可能性。最近在加密社区中出现的另一种方法是在协议中使用防篡改的硬件令牌。但是,此类令牌需要在各方之间进行物理传输,从而有可能与对数字协议的攻击相结合,从而攻击攻击令牌的实际传输。我们讨论了对加密协议的此类拦截攻击,该协议依赖于可靠的硬件(例如一次性内存令牌)(Goldwasser等人,Crypto 2008)。在这种攻击中,对手可以发起中间人攻击并访问甚至替代传输的令牌。我们表明,许多现有的基于令牌的协议都容易受到这种攻击的影响,而这种攻击通常位于先前考虑的安全模型之外。我们还对防止此类攻击的安全协议给出了积极的结果。我们提出了一种非常有效的协议,用于基于一次性内存令牌的弱模型进行基于密码的身份验证密钥交换。我们的协议只需要四步,这是非常基本的操作,并且发送方在第一步中将发送ℓ令牌以获取长度为ℓ的密码。同时,即使无法保证令牌的安全传输,即即使对手可以读取或替代令牌,我们也可以在Canetti的通用组成框架(FOCS 2001)中针对自适应对手(假设可靠擦除)实现信息理论安全性传输的令牌。



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