首页> 外文会议>2014 IEEE Games, Media, Entertainment Conference >Encouraging organized active game play in primary school children

Encouraging organized active game play in primary school children


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A mobile video game designed to encourage physical activity in children in an organized outdoor setting is presented. Game elements of narrative based treasure hunt game: Pirate Adventure are designed by a team of IT and Health professionals to encourage primary school aged children to engage in physical activity. The mobile phone platform uses several sensor technologies; accelerometers, camera and Wi-Fi to integrate gameplay with the physical environment. Key game locations in the real world environment are tracked using 2-dimensional codes (QR codes) and activity is tracked using accelerometers. The design is evaluated during several organized play session. Telemetry collected demonstrates that the treasure hunt mechanic encourages players to be physically active during each game, and validates that player actions are consistent with the game design elements. QR code scanning is effective as a location tracking mechanism. Additional insight is provided into the issue of sensor suitability and mobile device reliability when used in games for this age group. The results of this study can inform other mobile active games for children.
机译:提出了一种旨在鼓励有组织的户外环境中儿童进行体育锻炼的移动视频游戏。基于叙事的寻宝游戏的游戏元素:海盗冒险是由IT和卫生专业人员组成的团队设计的,旨在鼓励小学年龄的孩子进行体育锻炼。手机平台使用多种传感器技术。加速度计,摄像头和Wi-Fi,可将游戏玩法与物理环境集成在一起。使用二维码(QR码)跟踪现实世界环境中的关键游戏位置,并使用加速度计跟踪活动。在几次有组织的比赛中对设计进行评估。收集的遥测表明,寻宝机制可以鼓励玩家在每场游戏中保持活跃,并验证玩家的动作与游戏设计元素保持一致。 QR码扫描可以有效地用作位置跟踪机制。在针对该年龄段的游戏中使用传感器时,传感器适用性和移动设备可靠性问题提供了更多的见解。这项研究的结果可以为儿童提供其他移动活跃游戏的信息。



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