首页> 外文会议>2014 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Communications and Electronics >A new technique to enhance accuracy of WLAN fingerprinting based indoor positioning system

A new technique to enhance accuracy of WLAN fingerprinting based indoor positioning system


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The indoor positioning system (IPS) is a significant factor to develop many applications such as direction and navigation in large commercial centers, tracking valuable goods, or determining position of children or old people. With the rapid growth of Internet, Wi-Fi access points (APs) can be found almost everywhere. This widespread infrastructure offers the possibility to locate mobile devices in an economical way. Therefore, Wi-Fi based positioning systems have become an attractive positioning technology in urban areas where GPS signals can be weaker, or where the use of GPS puts too much strain on the device's battery [1]. In order to enhance accuracy and stability of the Wi-Fi based positioning system, we proposed a robust, ubiquitous, and precise indoor positioning solution for smart mobile devices based-on the combination of Wi-Fi positioning system and embedded sensors on the smart devices. The new method will be analyzed and tested in real experiments. Experiment results have shown that our method can provide better accuracy to compare with traditional methods.
机译:室内定位系统(IPS)是开发许多应用程序的重要因素,例如大型商业中心的方向和导航,跟踪贵重物品或确定儿童或老人的位置。随着Internet的快速发展,几乎可以在任何地方找到Wi-Fi接入点(AP)。这种广泛的基础设施提供了以经济的方式定位移动设备的可能性。因此,基于Wi-Fi的定位系统已成为市区中有吸引力的定位技术,在市区中GPS信号可能较弱,或者GPS的使用给设备的电池带来了很大的压力[1]。为了提高基于Wi-Fi的定位系统的准确性和稳定性,我们基于Wi-Fi定位系统和智能设备上的嵌入式传感器的组合,为智能移动设备提出了一种健壮,普遍存在的精确室内定位解决方案。 。新方法将在实际实验中进行分析和测试。实验结果表明,与传统方法相比,该方法可以提供更好的精度。



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