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Mobile and social technologies in marketing campaigns in Poland - A research study


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This paper is part of a project funded by the National Science Centre awarded on the basis of the decision number DEC-2011/03/HS4/04291. The paper presents the specificity of mobile consumer communities in Poland, based on survey results, and supported by an analysis of potential application of the findings in the context of business and marketing activities. The research was stimulated by the rapid development of mobile consumer communities. The study analysed the use of mobile technologies by modern consumers and involved an evaluation of selected aspects of mobile social media apps and solutions, along with an examination of typical attitudes and expectations of mobile consumers towards marketing activities conducted over this channel. The main purpose of this study is to prove the utility of mobile consumer communities as platforms for integrating the social media and the mobile functionality to form a framework for comprehensive marketing strategies. Based on the findings, the marketing activities can be tailored to the expectations of mobile consumers, offering a range of benefits for the consumer (better adjustment and personalization) and for the company (improved effectiveness).
机译:本文是由国家科学中心资助的项目的一部分,该项目是根据第DEC-2011 / 03 / HS4 / 04291号决定授予的。本文根据调查结果介绍了波兰移动消费者社区的特殊性,并通过对商业和营销活动背景下调查结果的潜在应用进行了分析。移动消费者社区的快速发展刺激了这项研究。这项研究分析了现代消费者对移动技术的使用,并评估了移动社交媒体应用程序和解决方案的某些方面,并研究了移动消费者对通过此渠道进行的营销活动的典型态度和期望。这项研究的主要目的是证明移动消费者社区作为整合社交媒体和移动功能以形成全面营销策略框架的平台的效用。根据调查结果,可以针对移动消费者的期望量身定制营销活动,从而为消费者(更好的调整和个性化)和公司(提高效率)带来一系列好处。



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