首页> 外文会议>American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy;ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings >Credit Where Credit Is Due: Incorporating Building Efficiency into State Implementation Plans

Credit Where Credit Is Due: Incorporating Building Efficiency into State Implementation Plans


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On multiple occasions, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has endorsedrnend-use energy efficiency as a low-cost, rapidly deployable mechanism to help states meet airqualityrnstandards. By implementing efficiency programs, as well as receiving credit for policiesrnand programs already on the books, states can inexpensively satisfy EPA emission regulations.rnIn particular, EPA has endorsed the incorporation of energy efficiency measures in staternimplementation plans as a means of achieving National Ambient Air Quality Standards.rnHowever, despite EPA endorsement, as well as a wealth of resources addressing therntopic, states may be hesitant to embark on what they view as an unclear path. This paper servesrnto illuminate the process of obtaining State Implementation Plan (SIP) credit for energyrnefficiency policies and programs by providing a template for states that draws from provisions inrnapproved SIPs and EPA guidance.rnBy correctly using the template, states may be able to incorporate efficiency programsrnand policies targeting buildings into their SIPs, claim credit for the associated emissionsrnreductions achieved through decreased fossil fuel consumption, and thereby lower the cost ofrncomplying with government regulations. This document outlines the steps a state should considerrnto draft a SIP that includes energy efficiency. A description of the SIP template and a modelrnprovision created using the information contained in this document are available separately atrnhttp://www.aceee.org/123-solutions.



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