
Debunking IHD Misconceptions


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In-home displays (IHDs) were installed in 354 residential homes at a large west coast gasrnand electric utility. The IHDs’ main function was to engage customers with real time electricityrnusage and the costs associated with that usage, and, as a result, help customers adopt morernenergy efficient behaviors. The device appeared to accomplish this goal: an estimated 5% dailyrnelectric usage savings was found in an evaluation that included billing analysis, surveys ofrnparticipants about device usability and satisfaction, and separate focus groups with satisfied andrndissatisfied participants. This study revealed that prominent display of the IHD in the home’srncommon areas and specific IHD display design elements were important in engaging customersrnwith the device. Public positioning helped stimulate conversations about energy conservationrnboth inside and outside the household. This finding contradicts the commonly held industryrnbelief that the optimal vehicle to communicate information about energy consumption is thernpersonal electronic device (PED). Pilot participants preferred the stand-alone IHD over the PEDrnbecause it was readily viewable by all members of the household and it displayed compellingrnusage information. Mobile devices on the other hand, are usually private and energy usagerninformation would need to be pulled by the customer, rather than pushed by the utility. Specificrndisplays of the IHD, such as the “speedometer” of current kW, were greatly preferred over otherrndisplays for conveying information about electric consumption. IHD design matters – we havernonly scratched the surface in terms of understanding how to attract and engage customers.
机译:在大型西海岸天然气和电力公司的354户住宅中安装了家用显示器(IHD)。 IHD的主要功能是让客户实时了解电耗以及与使用相关的成本,从而帮助客户采取更节能的行为。该设备似乎实现了这一目标:在一项评估中发现每天估计可节省5%的用电量,其中包括计费分析,有关设备可用性和满意度的参与者调查以及参与者感到满意和不满意的单独焦点小组。这项研究表明,在家庭常见区域中突出显示IHD和特定的IHD显示设计元素对于吸引客户使用该设备很重要。公共定位有助于激发家庭内部和外部关于节能的话题。这一发现与普遍持有的行业信念相反,即传达有关能耗信息的最佳工具是个人电子设备(PED)。飞行员参与者更喜欢独立IHD,而不是PEDrn,因为它易于被所有家庭成员看到,并且显示出令人信服的使用信息。另一方面,移动设备通常是私有的,能源使用信息将需要由客户拉动,而不是由公用事业来推动。 IHD的特定显示器(例如电流kW的“速度计”)比其他显示器更可取,以传达有关用电量的信息。 IHD设计很重要–我们仅在了解如何吸引和吸引客户方面进行了摸索。



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