
A Serious Game for Inculcating Islamic Values in Children


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Instilling Islamic values in our children has become a key concern as they become more acquisitive and fixated on carving a path towards academic and financial success. Serious Games can be an ideal medium for inculcating Islamic values such as sociability, responsibility, compassion, forgiveness etc. As such, Shimpai Muyou! serious game has been developed to prepare children for real life challenges through constructive discussion and feedback to change relationships in positive ways. The architecture consists of two mutually interacting layers: Instructional Mode and Narrative Mode. To measure success in Shimpai Muyou! environment three types of data gathering techniques have been used including Participant Observation, Classroom Discussion Forums and Log File Analysis supplemented by Interviews. Findings from the early prototype evaluation are promising, but indicate the critical need for a broader investigation to establish Shimpai Muyou! as a useful addition to the range of approaches teachers use to build Islamic morals in children.
机译:在我们的孩子中灌输伊斯兰价值观已成为一个关键问题,因为他们变得越来越富于追求,并致力于为学业和财务上的成功开辟一条道路。严肃的游戏可以成为灌输伊斯兰价值观的理想媒介,例如社交,责任,同情心,宽恕等。因此,Shimpai Muyou!开发了严肃的游戏,通过建设性的讨论和反馈以积极的方式改变关系,使孩子为应对现实生活中的挑战做好准备。该体系结构包含两个相互交互的层:教学模式和叙事模式。衡量Shimpai Muyou的成功!在环境中,已使用三种类型的数据收集技术,包括参与者观察,课堂讨论论坛和由访谈补充的日志文件分析。早期原型评估的结果令人鼓舞,但表明建立Shimpai Muyou的更广泛调查的迫切需求!作为教师用来在儿童中建立伊斯兰教义的一系列方法的有用补充。



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