
An area efficient multiplexer based CORDIC


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In the literature, multiplexer has been proposed for the ASIC implementation of unrolled CORDIC (COordinate Rotation DIgital Computer) processor. In this paper, the efficacy of this approach is studied for the implementation on FPGA. For this study, both non pipelined and 2 level pipelined CORDIC with 8 stages and using two schemes — one using adders in all the stages and another using multiplexers in the second and third stages. A 16 bit CORDIC for generating the sine/cosine functions is implemented using all the four schemes on both Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA(XC6VLX240) and Altera Cyclone II FPGA(EP2C20F484C7). From the implementation results, it is found that the nonpipelined and pipelined CORDICs using multiplexer requires 1.6, 1.4 times lower area in Xilinx FPGA and 1.8, 1.6 times lower area in Altera FPGA than that using only adders. This is achieved without reduction in speed.
机译:在文献中,已经提出了用于展开的CORDIC(坐标旋转数字计算机)处理器的ASIC实现的多路复用器。在本文中,研究了这种方法在FPGA上的实现效果。对于本研究,非流水线CORDIC和2级流水线CORDIC具有8个阶段,并且使用两种方案-一种在所有阶段都使用加法器,另一种在第二和第三阶段使用多路复用器。使用Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA(XC6VLX240)和Altera Cyclone II FPGA(EP2C20F484C7)上的所有四种方案实现了用于生成正弦/余弦函数的16位CORDIC。从实现结果可以看出,与仅使用加法器相比,使用多路复用器的非流水线和流水线的CORDIC在Xilinx FPGA中的面积要小1.6倍,在Altera FPGA中的面积要低1.8倍,是1.6倍。这是在不降低速度的情况下实现的。



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