首页> 外文会议>2012 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality >Digital Restoration of Seokguram Grotto: The Digital Archiving and the Exhibition of South Korea's Representative UNESCO World Heritage

Digital Restoration of Seokguram Grotto: The Digital Archiving and the Exhibition of South Korea's Representative UNESCO World Heritage


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The digitalization of Seokguram Grotto, a UNESCO World Heritage: KAIST GSCT produced a digitalized mapping of Seokguram Grotto, a UNESCO World Heritage and South Korea's representative cultural heritage, on two separate occasions in year 2008 and 2011. The Seokguram Grotto was the first to be registered at UNESCO among South Korean cultural heritages in year 1996. Hence, we are able to understand the value and the significance of the existence of Seokguram Grotto amongst numerous cultural heritages of South Korea. The team had performed the digitalization process of Seokguram Grotto in cooperation with the National Museum of Korea in year 2008 and had also performed the digitalization process of Seokguram Grotto with the Cultural Heritage Administration in year 2011. Through the process of 3D Scans and et cetera, the team had successfully digitalized the Seokguram Grotto as the world's first. This thesis consists of the process of the digitalization of Seokguram Grotto, the process of generating its 3D stereopsis and the future blueprints for creating Seokguram Grotto's Virtual Museum in the future. In other words, the current level is limited to archiving and creating 3D stereopsis of Seokguram Grotto, and the Seokguram Grotto Virtual Museum is expected to be built at Sejong City in the future on the basis of 3D scan data of Seokguram Grotto. The values of Seokguram Grotto which upholds cultural legacy and how they can be digitalized with advanced exhibition technology in delivering quality approaches of its exhibition are the core subjects of this thesis.
机译:联合国教科文组织世界遗产石窟Se石窟的数字化:KAIST GSCT在2008年和2011年分别两次制作了联合国教科文组织世界遗产石窟ram石窟和韩国代表性文化遗产的数字化地图。石窟ram石窟是第一个于1996年在联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)登记为韩国文化遗产。因此,我们能够了解石窟ok石窟在韩国众多文化遗产中的价值和意义。该小组于2008年与韩国国家博物馆合作完成了Seokguram Grotto的数字化过程,并于2011年与文化遗产管理局进行了Seokguram Grotto的数字化过程。通过3D扫描等技术,该团队已成功将世界排名第一的石窟ram石窟数字化。本文由石窟ram石窟的数字化过程,生成其3D立体图像的过程以及将来建立石窟ram石窟的虚拟博物馆的蓝图组成。换句话说,目前的水平仅限于Seokguram Grotto的3D立体影像的存档和创建,并且未来有望根据Seokguram Grotto的3D扫描数据在世宗市建立Seokguram Grotto虚拟博物馆。传承文化遗产的石窟ram石窟的价值以及如何利用先进的展览技术将其数字化,以提供高质量的展览方式,是本论文的核心主题。



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