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Interactive Distributed Rendering of 3D Scenes on Multiple Xbox 360 Systems and Personal Computers

机译:多个Xbox 360系统和个人计算机上的3D场景的交互式分布式渲染

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In interactive visualization environments which use a multiple screen setup, every output device has to be supplied frequently with video information. Such virtual environments often use large projection screens, which require high resolution video data. When increasing scene complexity, it can become a challenge to equip a single computer with graphics hardware powerful enough for the task. An efficient approach is to distribute the workload to multiple low-cost computer systems such as game consoles. Nowadays' game consoles are very powerful and specialized for interactive graphics applications, therefore they are suitable to being used for rendering purposes. A framework has been developed that builds on Microsoft's XNA Game Studio. It enables for interactive distributed rendering on multiple Xbox 360 systems and PCs. Tasks such as game logic synchronization, network session management are fully handled by the framework. A game built with it can focus mostly on its own implementation. The framework's structure follows that of the XNA Game Studio, which allows porting existing game projects quickly. Our evaluation showed that the framework is a lightweight solution which leaves almost the full CPU time to the actual game.
机译:在使用多屏幕设置的交互式可视化环境中,必须经常向每个输出设备提供视频信息。这种虚拟环境通常使用大型投影屏幕,这需要高分辨率视频数据。当增加场景复杂性时,为一台计算机配备足够强大的图形硬件来完成任务可能成为挑战。一种有效的方法是将工作负载分配给多个低成本的计算机系统,例如游戏机。如今的游戏机非常强大,专门用于交互式图形应用程序,因此它们适合用于渲染目的。已经开发出了基于Microsoft XNA Game Studio的框架。它支持在多个Xbox 360系统和PC上进行交互式分布式渲染。游戏逻辑同步,网络会话管理等任务完全由框架处理。用它构建的游戏可以主要专注于自己的实现。该框架的结构遵循XNA Game Studio的结构,该结构允许快速移植现有的游戏项目。我们的评估表明,该框架是轻量级的解决方案,几乎将全部CPU时间留给了实际游戏。



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