首页> 外文会议>2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining. >Mining Divergent Opinion Trust Networks through Latent Dirichlet Allocation

Mining Divergent Opinion Trust Networks through Latent Dirichlet Allocation


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While the focus of trust research has been mainly on defining and modeling various notions of social trust, less attention has been given to modeling opinion trust. When speaking of social trust mainly homophily (similarity) has been the most successful metric for learning trustworthy links, specially in social web applications such as collaborative filtering recommendation systems. While pure homophily such as Pearson coefficient correlation and its variations, have been favorable to finding taste distances between individuals based on their rated items, they are not necessarily useful in finding opinion distances between individuals discussing a trending topic, e.g. Arab spring. At the same time text mining techniques, such as vector-based techniques, are not capable of capturing important factors such as saliency or polarity which are possible with topical models for detecting, analyzing and suggesting aspects of people mentioning those tags or topics. Thus, in this paper we are proposing to model opinion distances using probabilistic information divergence as a metric for measuring the distances between people's opinion contributing to a discussion in a social network. To acquire feature sets from topics discussed in a discussion we use a very successful topic modeling technique, namely Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). We use the distributions resulting to model topics for generating social networks of group and individual users. Using a Twitter dataset we show that learned graphs exhibit properties of real-world like networks.



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