
Security Paradigms for Cloud Computing


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Cloud Computing -- some treat it as a catchphrase, others as the next step in evolution of their organization and the Internet. However, what is for sure is that, it is a way of leveraging less expensive services based environment providing cost-effective solutions to various organizations to cater for their computing needs, without investing in computing infrastructure. However, cloud computing, just like other formats of computing, is not free from issues. One of the major barriers in adoption of cloud is security. Once migrated to cloud, you do not know where your data is physically stored, what laws and regulations govern the same and most important of all, who has access to it. This paper explores security issues related to cloud computing and proposes a paradigm for securing cloud. The paper investigates some of the key research challenges of implementing cloud-aware security solutions which can plausibly secure the ever-changing and dynamic cloud environment, followed by conclusion where we try to entail the whole research and try to formulate a practical security paradigm, which will enable the cloud providers and consumers to ensure that their data and valuable assets are safe from otherwise prying eyes.



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