首页> 外文会议>2011 International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Power and Energy Systems: Issues and Prospects for Asia. >Operational experience of the polygeneration plant in Parc de l'Alba (Spain): Start-up and first results

Operational experience of the polygeneration plant in Parc de l'Alba (Spain): Start-up and first results

机译:西班牙阿尔帕地区Parc de l'Alba多联产厂的运营经验:启动和初步结果

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Polygeneration systems are highly integrated systems characterized by the simultaneous production of different services (electricity, heating, cooling) by means of several technologies to obtain a higher efficiency than that of an equivalent conventional system. This paper presents some preliminary monitoring results of a polygeneration plant installed in a technological park in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Spain) in the framework of the Polycity project of the European Concerto Program. The plant is composed of three cogeneration gas engines, a direct fired exhaust gas absorption chiller, a single-effect absorption chiller, a compression chiller, a natural gas boiler and a chilled water storage tank of 4000 m3.
机译:多联产系统是高度集成的系统,其特征是通过几种技术同时生产不同的服务(电力,供暖,制冷),从而获得比同等常规系统更高的效率。本文介绍了安装在欧洲Cerdanyola delVallès(西班牙)技术园区内的一个多联产发电厂的一些初步监测结果,该项目是在“欧洲协奏曲”计划的“多城市”项目的框架内进行的。该工厂由三台热电联产燃气发动机,直燃式废气吸收式制冷机,单效吸收式制冷机,压缩式制冷机,天然气锅炉和4000 m 3 的冷冻水储罐组成。



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